Patents & Publications

The faculty members of the department have a track record of publishing articles in specialized journals within their field of expertise. Additionally, they actively encourage students to participate in national and international conferences and to publish their research in both national and international journals. This fosters a culture of academic excellence and contributes to the growth of knowledge in the field.

S.NoName of the facultyDetails of Published publicationsName of the JournalTotal 
1Dr.K.V.RangaRao1.“A Machine Learning-Based Intelligence Approach for Multiple-Input/Multiple-Output Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks” Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2022, Article ID 6391678, 13 pages ; SCOPUS( 2nd Author)17 
2. Subspace Analysis Technique on Features Images in Leaf Species Recognition” , IEEE 2021 IEEE Madras Section Conference (MASCON) Date of Conference: 27-28 Aug. 2021 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 19 October 2021 ISBN Information:Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0405-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-4736-2 DOI: 10.1109/MASCON51689.2021.9563482IEEE CONFERENCE JOURNAL( 2nd Author) 
3.“SMART GLOVES FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONS” In DogoRangsang Research Journal ISSN : 2347-7180;UGC Care Group I Journal, Vol-11 Issue-01 – 2021;Pages 300 – 306UGC CARE Group 1 Journal( 2nd Author) 
4.“Double Server Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search for Secure Cloud Storage” in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ; Volume 4 Issue 6, September-October 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 ; Pages 1560-1567.Online Open Access Journal( 2nd Author) 
5.“A Novel Efficient Remote Data Possession Checking Protocol in Cloud Storage” in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD); Volume 4 Issue 6, September-October 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470; Pages 1568-1578.Online Open Access Journal ( 2nd Author) 
6.“ Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play by using Search Rank” in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD); Volume 4 Issue 6, September-October 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470;Pages 1579-1586.Online Open Access Journal ( 2nd Author) 
7.“SECRET DATA HIDING IN IMAGES BASED ON SKIN TONE” in AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference on Advances in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications – Organized by Pragati Engineering College – KAKINADA, and pblished by Milli Publications.AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference (1st Author) 
8.“IOT Based Medication Reminder Using Node MCU”, in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211; Volume 8, Issue 8, August-2020, Impact Factor: 4.597, Available online at:; Pages :40-43.UGC Journal (2nd Author) 
9.“Design and Development of Water Quality Monitoring System in IOT” in TEST Enginnering& Management March – April 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 9511 – 9516.TEST Engg&Mgmt (3rd Author) 
10.“Face Recognition using MATLAB and Image Processing” in TEST Engineering & Management March – April 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 9505 – 9510.TEST Engg&Mgmt (4th Author) 
11.“MOBILE PHONE DETECTOR” in Waffen-UND KOSTUMKUNDE Journal ISSN NO: 0042-9945; Volume XI, Issue II, February/2020 Page No:208-213.UGC Care Group2 Journal & Web of Sciences (4th Author) 
12.“Implementation of Low power consumption using Mitchell’s approximate logarithmic multiplication for convolutional multiplexer” in JXAT Journal, Vol XII, Issue II February 2020.Book Chapter – Springer (2nd Author) 
13.“Optimal secured reliable routing paths identification in MANET through intelligent probability model” in ICISA – 2019 Seoul, South korea,during 16th -18th December 2019.Journal of Engg& Science (1st Author) 
14. “Evaluation Of Competitiveness Via The Analysis Of Large Unstructured Datasets” Vol 10, Issue 10, Oct / 2019 ISSN NO: 0377-9254 page Nos. 307-312 in Journal of Engineering Sciences (UGC CARE approved Group A Journal).Conference Paper (1st Author) 
15. “A supervised joint and sentiment model for analyzing sentiments” in National Conference On Advances In Science, Humanities And Technology (NCASHT – 2019) during 11th – 12th JULY 2019 at Saveetha Institute Of Medical And Technical Sciences.IEEE Conference Scopus Indexed (1st Author) 
16.Multivariate aggregated NOMA for Resource Aware Wireless Network Communication Security CMC 1IEEE Conference Scopus Indexed (1st Author) 
17.Resource Aware Energy Effciency Optimization by Using 6G Technology based Advanced virtual purpose Embedding Algorithm,APRIL-2022IEEE Conference Scopus Indexed (1st Author) 
2Mrs. Vaishali PuredeVisual Heart Rate—A Key Biomarker to Diagnose Depressive Disorder, Lecture Notes in Networks and SystemsSCOPUS3 
Regularized CNN Based Model for Analyzing, Predicting Depression and Handling Overfitting,  SCOPUS 
Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting DepressionIEEE Conference
Scopus Indexed  
3Dr. V. KrishnaiahThe Correlative of fuzzy-Rough Nearest Neighbor classifiers using Heart disease Prediction systemUGC1 
4Mrs. Vijaya Madhavi IRIS Detection and Reformation System using Novel Algorithms in Machine Learning Through SVM Classifiers, Journal of XI’an Architecture and Technology. ISSN: 1006-7930, 2019-2020.SCOPUS1 
5Dr. K. MadhuriA new level Intrusion Detection system for Node level drop attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Algebraic Statistics 1309-3452, Vol. 13,No.1, April 2022WEB OF SCIENCE4 
ACO-Delay aware Energy Efficient MANET Protocol using Cross Layer Design for Real Time Applications. EJMCM ISSN 2515-82560, Vol. 07, Issue 11, Dec 2020SCOPUS 
Secure Cluster based Certificate Revocation AOMDV Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network. TEST ISSN 0193-4120 Page No.14601-14608, Jan-Feb 2020SCOPUS 
Master AODV Algorithm to detect and prevent Worm-Hole Attack in Manet. IJEAT ISSN 2249-8958, Vol.8,Issue 4 April 2019SCOPUS 
6Dr.B.KrishnaReusability for Software Component Framework Analysis using Extraction flexible software components. E-ISSN:2348-1269, P-ISSN: 2349-5138., 2022 IJAR April 2022, Volume-9, Issue-2.UGC CARE1 
7Dr.A.V.H.SaiprasadA Novel Dynamic Optimization Technique for Finding Optimal Trust Weights in Cloud. KSII TRANSACTION ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS VOL – 16,NO.6,JUN-2022.SCOPUS / SCIE1 
8Mrs.V.VijayaMadhaviA Review on Detection of glaucoma at Early Stage. IJMTE JOURNAL, VOLUME XII, ISSUE V, MAY – 2022.SCOPUS, UGC Approved.1 
9Vidya KammaOntology Reasoning Towards Sentimental Products Recommendations ExplantionsSCOPUS, UGC Approved.2 
Data Analysis of online product reviewsSCOPUS, UGC Approved. 
10Dr. KambalapallyVinuthnaRandamized Ensemble SVM Based Deep Learning with Verifiable dynamic access control using user revocation in IoT architectureSCOPUS, UGC Approved.1         
11Swapna SiddamsettiBlockchain-Based smart Homes Gateway Using secure chotic Hash Function  Conferences    3 
Implementation of Blockchain with Machine Learning Intrusion Detection System for Defending IoT Botnet
and Cloud Networks, Ingenerie Des Systemes D’Information
Study on smart contract honeypot combined
with machine learning techniques and data analysis, journal of mechanics of continua
and mathematical sciences
12Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoSecret Data Hiding in Images based on skin ToneConferences1 
13Dr. KambalapallyVinuthnaA Contingent review on cloude computing trends predicting viable possibilities for future of computingConferences1 
14Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoA Supervised Joint and Sentiment Model for Analyzing SentimentsConferences1 
A Supervised Joint and Sentiment Model for Analyzing SentimentsConferences1 
15P. Manasa1. Tweet spam detection using machine learning and swarm optimization techniques, IEEE Transactions on computational social systems  IEEE Transactions on computational social systems1 

Technical Books/ Book Chapters

S.noAuthor nameTitle of theBook Chapter
1Mrs.K.VidyaExplainable Product Recommendations with Ontological Knowledge Reasoning
2K.V.Ranga RaoOptimal Secured Reliable Routing Paths Identification in MANET Through Intelligent Probability Statistic Model
3Dr.Rajasekaran SQuantitative Progression analysis of Post-Acute Sequelae oh COVID-19, Pulmonary Fibrosis (PASC-PF) and Artificial Intelligence driven CT scoring of Lung involvement in Covid-19 infection using HRCT-Chest images


S.NoName of the facultyDetails of Published publicationsName of the JournalTotal
1Dr.P.Venkateswarlu1.Title of the Invention: IOTgateway,amethodfor bridging variouswireless Sensor Networks over the internet, Application No: 202231030959.Patent2
22.Title of the invention: Intelligent Charging Station based on Internet of Things (IOT), Application No: 202241012144A.Patent
3Dr K.Vinuthna1.Content Based Image Retrieval Using Quadrants Of AN ImagePatent1
4M.Meenakshi1.A Novel Image Denoising Method With Hybrid Dual Tree Complex Wavelet TransformPatent1
5Dr.K.Madhuri1.Method for Cyber Security Intrusion Detection Using Mechine LearningPatent2
62.IOT-SI-DEVICE: Using IOT Secure Identification DevicePatent
7Vidya Kamma1.IOT-SI-DEVICE: Using IOT Secure Identification DevicePatent1

SCOPUS/UGC/web of science approved journal publication

  ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022-2023  
S. NOName of the FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleVolume/issue/page noYearISSN NOIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
  1.  Mrs.S.SwapnaIngenerie Des Systemes D’InformationSwapna Siddamsetti
Dr.Muktevi Sri Venkatesh
Implementation of Blockchain with Machine Learning
Intrusion Detection System for Defending IoT Botnet
and Cloud Networks
Vol. 27, No. 6, Page:1029-1038December -20222116-7125Scopus
2IEEE ConferenceFarhana Begum
Swapna Siddamsetti
Blockchain-Based Smart Home Gateway using
Secure Chaotic Hash Function
INSPEC AccessionNovember -2022

Swapna Siddamsetti
Dr.Muktevi Sri Venkatesh
Vol.17,No.8,Page:1-11August-20222454-7190Publons-Web of Science
4Mrs.Purude Vaishali NarayanraoLecture Notes in Networks and SystemsVaishali Purude, Dr. P Lalitha Surya KumariVisual Heart Rate—A Key Biomarker to Diagnose Depressive Disorder Nov 2022555-563Scopus
5Ingenerie Des Systemes D’InformationVaishali Purude, Dr. P Lalitha Surya KumariRegularized CNN Based Model for Analyzing, Predicting Depression and Handling OverfittingAccepted  Scopus
6.P.ManasaIEEE Transactions on computational social systemsP. ManasaTweet spam detection using machine learning and swarm optimization techniquesAcceptedDecember -20222329-924XSCI
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-2022  
S. NOName of the FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleVolume/issue/page noyearISSN NOIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
1Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoHindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2022, Article ID 6391678, 13 pages ;“A Machine Learning-Based Intelligence Approach for Multiple-Input/Multiple-Output Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks” Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2022, Article ID 6391678, 13 pages ; 2022, Article ID 6391678, 13 pages2022Article ID 6391678Indexed in Scopus
2Dr. K. MadhuriJournal of Algebraic Statistics 1309-3452, Vol. 13,No.1, April 2022AuthorA new level Intrusion Detection system for Node level drop attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Algebraic Statistics 1309-3452, Vol. 13,No.1, April 2022Vol. 13,No.1, April 20222022 Web of Science
3vidya kammaJournal of algebraic StatisticsAuthorData Analysis of online product reviewsVolume – 13, No.22022ISSN:1309-3452 
4Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoDogoRangsang Research JournalAuthorSMART GLOVES FOR REAL TIME APPLICATIONSVolume-11, Issue. 012021ISSN NO:2347-7180UGC Care GROUP-1Journal
5Dr. V. KrishnaiahInternational journal of scientific and Engineering Research(IJSER)AuthorThe Correlative of fuzzy-Rough Nearest Neighbor classifiers using Heart disease Prediction systemVolume- 13, Issue-1.2022ISSN NO.:2229-5518 
6Dr. KambalapallyVinuthnaRandamized Ensemble SVM Based Deep Learning with Verifiable dynamic access control using user revocation in IoT architectureCo-AuthorRandamized Ensemble SVM Based Deep Learning with Verifiable dynamic access control using user revocation in IoT architecture 2021  
7V. Vijaya MadhaviInternational journal of Mgt. Tech. & EngineeringAuthorDeep Learning (A Review of Detection of Glovcoma at early stage)Volume- 12, Issue-52022ISSN NO.:2249-7455Scopus, UGC Approved.
8Dr. Bhukya KrishnaIJRARAuthorReusability for software component framework analysis using Extraction flexble software componentsVolume-9,Issue.2/0682022ISSN NO.:2349-5138UGC Care Journal
9Swapna siddamsettiJournal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathamatical sciencesAuthorStudy on Smart Contract Honeypot Combined With Machine Learning Techniques and data AnalysisVolume- 17, Issue-82022ISSN NO.:0973-8975 
10Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoComputers, Materials & Continua: Tech Science PressAuthorMultivariate Aggregated NOMA for Resource Aware Wireless Network Communication Security 2022DOI:10.32604 
12Dr.A.V.H.Saiprasad AuthorA Novel Dynamic Optimization Technique for Finding Optimal Trust Weights in Cloud. KSII TRANSACTION ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS VOL – 16,NO.6,JUN-2022.VOL – 16,NO.6,JUN-2022.2022  
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-2021
S.NoName Of FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorTitleVolume/issue/page noyearISSN NOIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
1Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoInternational Journal of Trend in scientific Research and DevelopmentAuthorA Novel of Efficient Remote Data Possession checking Protocal in Cloud StorageVolume-4,issue-62020ISSN NO:2456-6470Indexed in Scopus
2Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoInternational Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)Co-AuthorIOT Based Meditation Reminder using Node MCUVolume-8,issue-82020ISSN NO:2455-6211UGC
3Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoInternational Journal of Trend in scientific Research and DevelopmentAuthorDouble Server Public-Key Encryption With Key Word Search for Secure Cloud StorageVolume-4,issue-62020ISSN NO:2456-6470UGC
4Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoInternational Journal of Trend in scientific Research and DevelopmentAuthorFraud and Malware Detection in Google Play By Using Search RankVolume-4,issue-62020ISSN NO:2456-6470UGC
5Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoMili PublicationAuthorSecret Data Hiding in Images based on skin Tone 2020  
6Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoTEST Engineering & ManagementAuthorFace Recognition using MATLAB and Image ProcessingVolume-822020ISSN NO:0193-4120UGC
7Dr.K.MadhuriEJMCM ISSN 2515-82560, Vol. 07, Issue 11, Dec 2020AuthorACO-Delay aware Energy Efficient MANET Protocol using Cross Layer Design for Real Time Applications. EJMCM ISSN 2515-82560, Vol. 07, Issue 11, Dec 2020Vol. 07, Issue 112020ISSN 2515-82560UGC
8Dr.K.MadhuriTEST ISSN 0193-4120 Page No.14601-14608, Jan-Feb 2020AuthorSecure Cluster based Certificate Revocation AOMDV Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network. TEST ISSN 0193-4120 Page No.14601-14608, Jan-Feb 2020Volume 82,Issue:
January-February 2020
ISSN: 0193 – 4120
2020ISSN NO:0193-4120UGC
S. NoName of The FacultyName of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleVolume/issue/page noyearISSN NOIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
1Vidya kammaInternational journal of Resent Technology and engineering(IJRTE)AuthorOntology Reasoning Towards Sentimental Products Recommendations ExplantionsVolume-8.Issue-32019ISSN:2277-3878 
2Dr. K. MadhuriInternational journal of Engineering and Advanced TechnologyAuthorMaster Aodv Algorithm to Detect and Prevent Worm-Hole
Attack in Manet
Volume-.8, Issue-42019ISSN- 2249-8958Scopus
3Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoWAFFEN-UND KOSTUMKUNDE JOURNALAuthorMobile phone detectorVolume-.11, Issue-22020ISSN- 0042-9945UGC-2 Web of Science
4Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoJES (Journal of Engineering SciencesAuthorEvolution of Compititiveness via the Analysis of Large Unstructured DatasetsVollume-10,Issue-102019ISSN NO.:0377-9254UGC-group-A
5Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoTEST Engineering & ManagementCo-AuthorDesign and Development of Water Quality Monitoring System in IOTVolume- 82,2020ISSN-0193-4120UGC
6Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoICISAAuthorOptimal secured reliable routing paths identification in MANET through intelligent probability model 2019 UGC
9Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoIXATAuthorImplementation of Low power consumption using Mitchell’s approximate logarithmic multiplication for convolutional multiplexerVolume-112020 UGC
10Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoNCASHTAuthorA supervised joint and sentiment model for analyzing sentiments 2019  

Conferences publications

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-2022 Conference paper Publications
S. NOName of the FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleyearIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
1Dr. K. MadhuriSpringerAuthorReviewer in the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and data science2022Conference
2Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoNational Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and TechnologyAuthorA Supervised Joint and Sentiment Model for Analyzing Sentiments2021Conference
3M. Deepika5th International Conference on smart computing and informatics(SCI2021)AuthorEfficient Email classification Algorithm for Better customer support2021Conference
4Swapna SiddamsettiSecond International Conference on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical SystemsAuthorBlockchain-Based smart Homes Gateway Using secure chotic Hash Function2022Conference
5Mrs. ParudeVaisaliInternational Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and ApplicationAuthorInternational Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Application2021Conference
6Dr.K.V.Ranga RaoIEEE Madras Section Conference (MASCON)AuthorSubspace Analysis Technique on Features Images in Leaf Species Recognition2021Conference
 ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-2021 Confernce paper
 S.No.Name of the FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleyearIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC 
 1Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoConferenceAuthorSecret Data Hiding in Images based on skin Tone2020Conference 
 2Mrs. ParudeVaisaliInternational Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and ApplicationAuthorAnalysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Depression2020Conference 
 3Dr. KambalapallyVinuthna2nd International Conference on Machine Learning, Securing and Cloud Computing (ICMLSC 2020)AuthorA Contingent review on cloude computing trends predicting viable possibilities for future of computing2020Conference 
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-2020
S. NOName of the FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleyearIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
1Dr. K. V. Ranga RaoNational Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and TechnologyAuthorA Supervised Joint and Sentiment Model for Analyzing Sentiments2019Conference


ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-2022
Faculty NamePatent titlePatent OfficeAcademic Year
Dr.P.Venkateswarlu1.Title of the Invention: IOTgateway,amethodfor bridging variouswireless Sensor Networks over the internet, Application No: 202231030959.IndianPublication Date: 01/07/2022.
Dr.P.Venkateswarlu2.Title of the invention: Intelligent Charging Station based on Internet of Things (IOT), Application No: 202241012144A.IndianPublication Date: 25/03/2022.
Dr K.VinuthnaContent Based Image Retrieval Using Quadrants Of AN ImageIndian28/01/2022.
M.MeenakshiA Novel Image Denoising Method With Hybrid Dual Tree Complex Wavelet TransformIP Australia08/04/2021
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-2020
Faculty NamePatent titlePatent OfficeAcademic Year
Dr.K.MadhuriMethod for Cyber Security Intrusion Detection Using Mechine LearningIndian2020
Dr.K.MadhuriIOT-SI-DEVICE: Using IOT Secure Identification DeviceIndian2019
Vidya KammaIOT-SI-DEVICE: Using IOT Secure Identification DeviceIndian2019

Publication of H& S Department Faculty

A.Y. 2022-2023
S.NoName of the FacultyName Of The JournalAuthor/co-AuthorsTitleVolume/issue/page noyearISSN NOIndexed in Scopus/SCI/UGC
1Dr.V.PadmavathiJournal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical SciencesDr.V.PadmavathiBiflavanoids from Semecarpus Anacardium L.f., Their Biological Aspects and Docking.Volume 62022 2.405
2Dr.V.Padmavathipositif journalDr.V.Padmavathilubricating properties of Thiol-ene product from Semecarpus Anacardium L.f Nuts    vol 22,Issue62022volume 22,ISSUE 6,4.7
3Dr.V.PadmavathiJournal of basic sciencesDr.V.Padmavathi &S.Ankit ReddyBiomedical Attributes and Docking Studies of Biflavanoids Isolated from Semecarpus anacardium L.f Root Barkvolume 22,issue 62023Volume 23,Issue 1h-index 19
5v.sarithaRJOC Russian journal of organic chemistry Synthesis and biological screening of novel indole-based
imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole derivatives as EGFR targeting
anticancer agents
 2023acceptednot issued

Patent of H& S  Department Faculty

S.NoName of the FacultyPatent Title  Patent OfficeYear
1V.SarithaEvaluation and Methodology of a Sustainable Adsorbent for Fluoride Removal from an Aqueous Medium        India2022


  • SPORTS-MEET of Keshav Memorial group of Engineering colleges will be held on 29 th June,2024.

  • Lab Internals are scheduled in first week of July,2024

  • Finishing School Grand Test will be held in second week of July ,2024.