Vision of the Department:

To be among the region’s premier teaching and research Computer Science Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning departments producing globally competent and socially responsible graduates in the most conducive academic environment.

The mission of the Department:

  • To provide faculty with state-of-the-art facilities for continuous professional development and research, both in foundational aspects and of relevance to emerging computing trends.
  • To impart skills that transform students to develop technical solutions for societal needs and inculcate entrepreneurial talents.
  • To inculcate an ability in students to pursue the advancement of knowledge in various specializations of Computer Science and Engineering and make them industry-ready.
  • To engage in collaborative research with academia and industry and generate adequate resources for research activities for seamless transfer of knowledge resulting in sponsored projects and consultancy.
  • To cultivate responsibility through sharing knowledge and innovative computing solutions that benefit the society-at-large.
  • To collaborate with academia, industry, and community to set high standards in academic excellence and in fulfilling societal responsibilities.


  • SPORTS-MEET of Keshav Memorial group of Engineering colleges will be held on 29 th June,2024.

  • Lab Internals are scheduled in first week of July,2024

  • Finishing School Grand Test will be held in second week of July ,2024.