Library Resources(CSE)

1Radha KrishnanObject Oriented Programming through java2007University Press
2Hopcroft John EIntroducation to Automata and Computation2013/3Pearson
3Royce WalkerSofware Project Management2013Pearson
4Prasad KVKKSoftware Testing Tools2012Dreametech
5Dey PradeepProgrmming in C2013/2Oxford University Press
6Sharma JKOperatiions Research2013/5Mc Graw Hill
7Kanetkar Yashavant PWoking with C2008BPB
8Rama Krishna RaghuDatabase Management Systems2015/3Mc Graw Hill
9Bhurchamri KMAdvanced Microprocessors & Peripherls2015/3Mc Graw Hill
10Sommerville IonSoftware Engineering2014Pearson
11Stallings WilliamOperating Systems Internals & Design2014/7Pearson
12Stallings WilliamComputer Organization and Architecture2014Pearson
13Das SumitbhaUNIX Concepts and Applicatiions2015Mc Graw Hill
14Sipser MichaelIntroducation to Theory of Camputation2013Cengage
15Millmam JacobElectronic Deveces and Circuits2015/4Mc Graw Hill
16Aho Alpred VComilers:Principles Techniques and Tool2016Pearson
17Mall RajibFundamentals of Software Engineering2015PHI
18Horowitz.EllisData strutures in C2008Unvirsity Press
19Velte,AnthonyCloud computing apractical aproch2010Mc Graw Hill
20Balakrishna prasadOperating Systems2015Scitech Chennai
21Ayala,KennethThe 8051 Micro controler2005Cengage
22Wolf,MariynComputers as components2012Morgan kaufman
23Tenenbaum,Andrew SModern operating system2015Pearson
24Roy,UttamWeb Technologies2015Oxford University Press
25Boyested, RobertElectronic Deveces and Circuits theory2016Pearson
26KohaviSwitching and finite Atutomata Theory2012Cambridge
27Morris ManoComputer System Architecture2007Pearson
28Hollzner,StevenPHP the Complete Referance2008Mc Graw Hill
29Morris ManoComputer System Architecture2017Pearson
30Simon David EAn Embededded Software Priemer2012Pearson
31Morris ManoDigital Design2014/5Pearson
32Booch, GradyThe Unified Modding Language User Guide2016/2Pearson
33Hearn,Donaled DComputer Graphics2014Pearson
34Ten pang – ningIntroducation Data Mining2014Pearson
35Coulouris GeorgeDistributed System2015Pearson
36Kanti SwarupOparation Research2014Sulthan chand
37Stallings WilliamData and Computer Communication2014Pearson
38Chan,TerrenceUNIX system programming using C++2015Pearson
39Sebesta Robert WConcept of Programming Languages2015Pearson
40Forouzan Behrouz AComputer Science2015Cengage
41Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Computer Algorithms2015Unvirsity Press
42Beizer BarisSoftware testing Techniques2014Dreametech
43Buyya RajkumarCloud computing2016Wiley India
44Tanenbaum AndrewsDistributed System2016Pearson
45Deitel PaulJava for Programming2012Pearson
46Pressman RogersSoftware Engineering2014/6Mc Graw Hill
47Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Computer Algorithms2015University Press
48Coulouris GeorgeDistributed System2015/4Pearson
49Tanenbaum AndrewsDistributed System2016/2Pearson
50Siberschatz AbhrahamOparation System Concepts2014/8Wiley India
51Fairley Richard ESoftware Engineering Concepts2016Mc Graw Hill
52Lal Kishore KElectronic Devices and Circuits2014BS Hyderabad
53Anand Kumar ASwitching theory and logic design2015PHI
54Leon AlexisFundamental of Database Management System2010TMH
55Schildt HerbertJava : The Complete Reference2014/8Mc Graw Hill
56Holub Allen ICompiler Design in C2015Pearson
57Mall RajibFundamentals of Software Engineering2015PHI
58Sierra KathyOCP Java SE6 Programmer2011Dreametech
59Hubbard John RData Structures with Java2011/2Mc Graw Hill
60Putambekar AAJava Programming2015Pune Technical
61Schildt HerbertC the Complete Referance2015Mc Graw Hill
62Di Marizo JJava FX a beginners guide2011Mc Graw Hill
63Herbert SchildtJava: the Complete Refererce2011/8Mc Graw Hill
64Subramanian ChandramouliSoftware Engineering2015Pearson
65Kshemakalyani Ajay DDistributed Computing Principle2014Cambridge
66Bach Mourice JThe Design of the UNIX Operating Systems2015Pearson
67Ground, MarkPatterns in Java Vol.12011Wiley India
68Erikeson,Hams ErikUML2 Tool kit2014Wiley India
69Coadenhead RogersTeach Yourself Java in 24 Hours2015Pearson
70Ground MarkJava Enterprise Design Patterns2011Wiley India
71Yedidyah LData Structures using C & C++2015Pearson
72Reese George Cloud Applications Architectures2015Pearson
73Patton RonSoftware Testing2006Pearson
74Rosenzweig BenjaminOracle PL/SQL by Example2009Pearson
75Brose GeraldJava Programming with CORBA2011Wiley India
76Miller MichaelCloud computing2009Pearson
77Comer Douglas ECoputer Networks and Internets2008/4Pearson
78Thangasamy DEssentials of Software Engineering2012Wiley India
79Jalote PankalSoftware Engineering a precise Approach2015Dreametech
80Royce WalkerSoftware Project Management2013Pearson
81Royce WalkerSoftware Testing Tools2012Dreametech
82Nagappan RameshDeveloping Java web Serices2016Wiley India
83Khalid A MughalJava actually a Fist Course2007Cengage
84Gonzakaz Rafoel CDigital Image Processing2014/3Pearson
85RadhaKrishna PObject Oriented Programming through java2011University Press
86Schildt HerbertJava: the Complete Refererce2007Mc Graw Hill
87Silberschatz AbrahamOperating Systems Concepts2015/8Wiley India
88Schildt HerbertJava Fundamentals2013Mc Graw Hill
89Vaswani VikramsMy SQL the Complete Reference2013Mc Graw Hill
90Holzner SterenPHP:the Complete reference2016Mc Graw Hill
91Tanenbaum AndrewsComputer Networks2016/5Pearson
92Ayal,Kenneth CThe 8051 Micro controler Cengage
93Roth Charles HFundmentals Logic design2016Cengage
94Uyemura JohonChip Design for Micro VLSI Cengage
95White Man ,Michle VPirnciple of Information Security2015Cengage
96Cooper Keith DEngineering a Compilers2011/2Elsevier
97Forouzan Behrouz AData Communication and Networking MGH
98Hamacher CorlComputer Organization2016MGH
99Hughes BobSoftware Project Management2016MGH
100Naidu MSIntroducation to Electrical Engineering2016MGH
101Palanna OEngineering Chemistry2009MGH
102Schildt HerbertJava the Complete Referance2015/9MGH
103Silberschatz AbrahamDatabase Systems concepts2013MGH
104Single,MukeshAdvanced Concepts in Operating Systems2001MGH
105Aho,Alfred VThe Design and Analysis of Compute Alogritham2002Pearson
106Aho Alpred VComilers Principle Techniques & Tools2013Pearson
107Couloulries GeorgeDistributed Systems Concepts and Desgn2014Pearson
108Levitin AnamyIntroducation to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms2008Pearson
109Morris ManoComputer System Architecture2007Pearson
110Royce WalkerSoftware Project Management2002Pearson
111Savitch WalterProblem Solving with C++2014Pearson
112Sebesta Robert WConcept of Programming Languages2012/8Pearson
113Stallings WilliamData and Computer Communication2019/9Pearson
114Tenenbaum,Andrew SDistributed Systems Principles and Paradiagms2008 
115Weiss, Mark AllenData Structures and Alogrithams in C2017Pearson
116Gonkar,RameshMicro Processor Architecture Programming and Application with 80852013/6Penaram Int
117Mehatha V KPrinciple of Electrical Engineering2008/2S.Chand
118Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Computer Algorithms2017/2Unvirsity Press
119Watt,DavidProgramming Langauge Design Concept2004Wiley India
120Ghezzi,CarloProgrammig Langauge Concepts2008/3Wiley India
121Forouzan Behrouz AComputer Science2007/3Cengage
122Single,MukeshAdvanced Concepts in Operating Systems2016MGH
123Thareias ReemaObject oriented Programming with C++2015OUP
124Lippmam,Stanely VC++ Primer2007/4Pearson
125Sebesta Robert WProgramming the World Wide Web2013/7Pearson
126Tenenbaum,Andrew SComputer Networks2017/5Pearson
127Shawes Irving HEngineering Mechanics2006/4PHI
128Sinha,Pradeep KDistributed Operating system2014PHI
129Gallo, Michel  A Hancock ,WilliamComputer Communication and Network2007Cengage
130Odum,EugeneFundamentals of Ecology2006/5Cengage
131Jacobson,IvarThe Unified Software Development Process2002Pearson
132Levitin AnamyIntroduction to the design and analysis of Algorithms2nd/2008Pearson
133Huth MichaelLogic in Computer Science2014Cambridge
134Agarwal PKSAP HR Time Management2014PHI
135Anami Basavaraj SComputer Concepts and C Programmimg2nd/2010PHI
136Mall, RajibFundamentals of Software Engineering2015PHI
137Pattesson Dan WIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence2012PHI
138Bach Mourice JThe Design of the UNIX Operating Systems2012PHI
139Abel, PeterIBM PC Assembly Language and Programming5th/2012PHI
140Shrivastava, NiranjanFundamentals of Computers2013Dreametech
141Aho,Alfred VPrinciples of Compiler Design2002Narosa
142Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Programming Languages2012Galgotia , Delhi
143Rout K SusantTips and Tricks on C Programming2015Vikas
144Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Programming Languages2012Galgotia , Delhi
145Srimani, PKA Textbook on Automata Theory2017Foundation Books
146Kernighan Brian WC Programming Langruage2nd/2016Pearson
147ITL Education Solutions LtdComputer Organization2012ITL Education
148ITL Education Solutions LtdComputer Organization2012ITL Education
149ITL Education Solutions LtdCryptography and Network Security2012ITL Education
150ITL Education Solutions LtdPrinciples of Compiler Design2012ITL Education
151ITL Education Solutions LtdPrinciples of Compiler Design2012ITL Education
152Kander, shyamalenduAutomata Theory and Formal Languages2012ITL Education
153ITL Education Solutions LtdPrinciples of Compiler Design2012ITL Education
154Naga Bhaskar CNeural Networks and Fuzzy Logic2017BSP Hyd
155Raikar MMComputer Graphics  using Open GL2014Elsevier
156Downey, AllenLearning with Python2016Dreametech
157Verma, ArchanaUnix and Shell Programming2010Firewall
158Parida , Rajeev AOracle 10g Performa Tuning2009Firewall
159GK PubDigital Logic and Computer Design2009GK Publishers
160Shukla , Rajesh KObject Oriented Programming in C++2008Wiley
161Kogent Learning Solutions IncLinux labs and open Source Technologies2014Dreametech
162GK PublishersProblems and Solutions in Computer System Architecture2009GK Publishers
163Mike Mc GrathLinux2012MGH
164Yarnold StuartTroubleshooting your PC2012MGH
165Mike Mc GrathJava in Easy Steps2013MGH
166Mike Mc GrathPython in Easy Steps2013MGH
167Deven ShahAdvance Computing Technology2011Dreametech
168Sharma , RishabCloud Computing2015Wiley
169Watt David AProgramming Lnaguage Design Concepts2015Wiley
170Ravichandran DProgramming in C2011New Age
171Radha Ganesan PObject Oriented Programming using C++2009Scitech Chennai
172Srinivasa Rao PSComputer Programming in C2016Scitech Chennai
173Agarwal , BBSoftware Engineering and Testing2011Firewall
174Chandra BObject Oriented using C++2nd/2013Narosa
175Forouzan Behrouz AComputer Science a Structured Programming Approach using C3rd/2007New Delhi , Cengage
176Senthil Sivakumar MFundamentals of Digital Design2014S.Chand
177Thangasamy SEssentials of Software Engineering2012Wiley
178GK PubProblems and Solutions in Computer Networks2008GK Publishers
179Kogent Learning SolutionsFlash CS6 IN Simple Steps2013Dreametech
180Chakrabarti RiniAdvanced Database Management system2014Dreametech
181Hari Mohan PandeyObect Oriented Programming C++2015University Press
182Khandare SSProgramming in C and C++1998S.Chand
183Samanta DebasisClassic Data Structures2nd/2017PHI
184Langsam , YedidyahData Structures using C and C++2013PHI
185Balaguruswamy EIntroduction to Computing and Problem Solving using Python2016MCGH
186Loomis,mary E.SData Management and File Structure2009PHI
187Basu, S.KParallel and Distributed Computing2016PHI
188Khan, R.ASoftware Engineering a prectitioners Approach2014Narosa
189Downey, AllenLearning with Python2016Dreametech
190Perry, GregC Program Absolute Beginers Guide3rd/2014Pearson
191Kogent Learning SolutionsAdvance Computer Network2013Dreametech
192Sudha Sadasivam GDistributed Component Architecture2015Wiley
193Raja Rao MVLNComputer Organization2nd/2017Scitech Chennai
194Srinivasa Rao PSNComputer Programming in C2016Scitech Chennai
195Priyadharsini, R Shalini ACDatabase Management Systems2007Scitech Chennai
196Agarwal RaineeshData Communications and Computer Networks2015Vikas
197GK PubDigital Logic and Computer Design2009GK Publishers
198Shalini ACSystems Software2015Scitech Chennai
199Rajesh RSComputer Networks2015Vikas
200Murali CData Communications and Computer Networks2012Elsevier
201Subbaraj RObject oriented Programming with C++2013Vikas Pub
202Chopra, RajivDatabase Management Systems (DBMS)2016S.Chand
203Jalote PankajSoftware Engineering2013Wiley
204Kogent Learning SolutionsSystem Programming2011Dreametech
205Easton ChuckComputer Fundamentals2014Pearson
206Thangasamy SEssentials of Software Engineering2012Wiley
207Markham NoelJava Programming Interview Exposed2014Wrox Pub
208Kogent Learning SolutionsObject Oriented Programming Methodology2013Dreametech
209Shukla , Rajesh KObject Oriented Programming in C++2008Wiley
210Basu PNComputer Organization and Architecture2012Vikas
211Anjaneyulu GNComputer Organization2012Himalya
212Kogent Learning SolutionsSoftware Engineering2012Dreametech
213Jha Mnish KumarAutomata Theory Step by Step2015S.Chand
214Hurwitz, JudithHybrid Cloud for Dummies2013Wiley
215Chopra, Rajiv  ErComputer Architecture and Organization2014S.Chand
216Saurabh KumarCloud Computing3rd/2014Wiley
217Saxena SandeepCompiler Design for the Students of BE/B.Tech2016S.Chand
218Pandey USCloud Computing2014S.Chand
219Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Computer Algorithms2016Galgotia
220Lathi B PSignals and Systems and Communicating2018BSP
221Kohavi ZviSwitching & Finite Automata Theory2016Cambridge
222Ayala,KennethThe 8051 Micro controlers2017Cengage
223Malik DSData Structures using C++2017Cengage
224Ghezzi CarloProgramming Language Concepts2003Wiley
225Hamacher CorlComputer Organization2011MGH
226Balaguruswamy EProgramming with Java of Primer2015MGH
227Millman JacobMillmen s Elecronic Devices & Ciruits4th/2017MGH
228Ramakrishna Rao PSignals and Systems201MGH
229Schildt HerbertJava the Complete Referance9th/2017MGH
230Jain RPModern Digital Electronics4th/2016MGH
231Veeraraian TProbability Statistics and Randam Variables2017MGH
232Brown StephenFundamentals of Digital LogicFeb-07MGH
233Sedra Adel SMicroelectronic Circuits2017Oxford University Press
234Sebesta Robert WConcepts of Programming Languages2018Pearson
235Helfrick Albert DModern Electronic Instrumentation2017Jaico
236Deilel PaulJava how to Programme10th/2018Pearson
237Mott Joe LDiscrete Mathematics for Computers Scentifics2017Pearson
238Mazidi Mohd AliThe 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems2nd/2017Pearson
239Pratt Terrance WProgramming Languages4th/2016Pearson
240Fletcher William IAn Engineering Approach to Digital Design2015Pearson
241Stallings WilliamComputer Organization and Architecture10th/2017Pearson
242Morries Mano MComputer System Architecture3rd/2018Pearson
243Ziemer Rodger ESignals and Systems4th/2015Pearson
244Marries Mano MDigital Design5th/2017Pearson
245Wakerly John FDigital Design4th/2017Pearson
246Gaonkar RameshMicroprocessors Architecture6th/2013Pearson
247Anand Kumar ASwitching aTheory and Logic Design3rd/2016PHI
248Anand Kumar ASignals and Systems3rd/2017PHI
249Pattesson David AComputer Organization and Design4th/2017Elsevier
250Lathi B PSignals Systems and Communications2018BSP, Hyd
251Predko, MykeProgramming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller2013MHE, New Delhi
252Ramakrishna Rao PSignals and Systems2nd/2016MHE, New Delhi
253Gaonkar RameshMicroprocessor Architecture6th/2013Pearson
254Haykin, SimonSignals and Systems2nd/2018Wiley
255Sahni SartajData Structures Algoritms and Applications in C ++2nd/2005University Press
256Chaudhuri pal, PComputer Organization and Design3rd/2008PHI
257Gottfried ByronProgramming with C4th/2019Mc Graw Hill
258Hall V. Douglas Rao SSSPMicroprocessors and Interfacing3rd/2018Mc Graw Hill
259Ramesh Babu PSignals and Systems5th/2018Scitech Chennai
260Godse A PMicroprocessors & Microcontrollers1stTechnical Publishing
261Bahga ArshdeepCloud Computing University Press
262Chandak B ManojComplier Design2018University Press
263Sharma A KComputer Fundamentals and Programming in C2nd/2018University Press
264Stallings WilliamCrypthography and Network Security7tj/2019Pearson
265Tanenbaum AndrewsComputer Networks5th/2019Pearson
266Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Computer Algorithms2nd/2018University Press
267Hearn D DonaldComputer Graphics C Version2nd/2019Pearson
268Hoperoft E JohnIntroduction to Automata Theory Languages and Computation3rd/2019Pearson
269Schiller JochenMobile Communications2nd/2019Pearson
270Cormen H ThomasIntroduction to Algorithms3rd/2019PHI
271Salivahanan SElectronic Devices and Circuits4th/2018Mc Graw Hill
272Robart Boylestand LElectronic Devices and Circuits Theroy11th/2019Pearson
273Morries Mano MDigital Design with an Introducation and System Verilog6th/2018Pearson
274Sebsta W RobertCocepts of Programming LanguagesOct-18Pearson
275Angel EdwardInteractive Computer Graphics A Top drawn Approach with Web GL7th/2016Pearson
276Taha A HamdyOperations Research an Introduction10th/2019Pearson
277Kapil KapoorText and Interpretation the Indian Tradition2019DK Print world
278Schildt HerbertJava the Complete Referance10th/2019Mc Graw Hill
279Ramesh Babu PSignals and Systems5th/2019Scitech Chennai
280Lathi B PSignals Systems and Communications2018BS Publishers
281Liao. Y . SamuelMicrowave Devices and Circuits2017Pearson
282Ponniah PaulrajData Warehousing2nd/2015Wiley
283Ramesh Babu PDigital Signal Processing7th/2019Scitech Chennai
284Anand Kumar ASignals and Systems3rd/2019PHI
285Anand Kumar ASignals and Systems3rd/2019PHI
286Hoperoft E JohnAutomata Theory Language and Computation3rd/2020Shaha
287Jang J S R Sunc TNeuro- Fuzzy & Soft Computing2019Pearson
288Sterens Richard WUNIX Network Programming2018Pearson
289Rajashekaran SNeural Network Fuzzy Systems and Erdutionary Algorithms2018PHI
290Siberschatz AbhrahamOperating Systems Concepts9th/2018Wiley
291Pressman RogersSoftware Engineering8thMc Graw Hill
292Jang J S R Sunc TNeuro- Fuzzy & Soft Computing2019Pearson
293Sebsta W RobertProgramming the World Wide Web2020Pearson
294Michael E WhitmanPrinciples of Information Security2019/6thCengage
295Bhowmik SandeepCloud Computing2022Cambridge
296Andrew SDisributed System principle and Paradiams2015Pearson
297Douglay A PucknellBasic VLSI Design2021PHI
298Peter BruceO” Relly Practical Statastics for Data Scientists2021SPD
299Shama HoqueFull-Stock React Project2ndPackt
300Geron AurelienHands-On Machine with Scikit-Learn Keras Tensor Flow2ndSPD
301Zhou Kevin SDeep Learning for Medical Image Analysis AP
302Northwood ChrisThe Fill Stack Deleloper Apress


  • SPORTS-MEET of Keshav Memorial group of Engineering colleges will be held on 29 th June,2024.

  • Lab Internals are scheduled in first week of July,2024

  • Finishing School Grand Test will be held in second week of July ,2024.