Library Resources(CSE-AI&ML)

473Pajari Arun KData Mining Techniques2015Unvirsity Press
474Forouzan Behrouz AData Communication and Networking2013Mc Graw Hill
475Raj kamalEmbeede system2015Mc Graw Hill
476Watt David AProgramming Language Design Concept2015Wiley India
477Matthew NeilBeginning Linux Programming2015Wiley India
478Balaguruswamy EProgrmming in C + Primer2014/4Mc Graw Hill
479Silberschatz AbrahamDatabase Systems concepts2016Mc Graw Hill
480Stallings WilliamCryptography and Network Security2016Pearson
481Koushik SarajArtificial Intellingence2013Cengage
482Gross mom David AIntroducation Retrieval2012Springes
483Brown StephenFundamentals of Digital togic2015Mc Graw Hill
484Han JiaweiData Mining2016/3Noida
485Millmam JacobIntegrated Electronics2015/2Mc Graw Hill
486Schiller JochenMobile Communication2015/2Pearson
487Siberschatz AbhrahamDatabase Systems concepts2016/6Mc Graw Hill
488Brown StephenFundamentals of Digital Logic2015/2Mc Graw Hill
489Venugopal K RMastering C2015Mc Graw Hill
490Kannaiah PWorkshop Mannual2015/2Chennai Scitech
491Silberschatz AbrahamDatabase Systems concepts2016/6Mc Graw Hill
492Subramanyam P SBasic Concepts of Electrical Engineering2014/2BS Hyderabad
493Bathul ShahnazSpecial Junction and complex Variables2010/2PHI
494Parvathi VEnglish Language Communication Skill2014Cengage
495Tomasi WayneIntroduction to Data Communication and Networking2011Pearson
496Nagappan RameshDeveloping Java web Serices2016Wiley India
497PadmanabhamC and Data Structures2009/3BS Hyderabad
498Kernighan Brian WThe C Programming Language2016/2Pearson
499Kamal RajMobile Computing2013/2Oxford University Press
500Mitchell Tom MMachine learing2015Mc Graw Hill
501Deshpande P SSQL & PL/SQL for Oracle 11g2015Dreametech
502Venkata Reddy KWorkshop Practice Mannual2012BS Hyderabad
503Forouzan Behrouz ACryptography and Network Security2015Mc Graw Hill
504Kogent Learining Solutions InFlash CSE Simple Steps2013Dreametech
505Christiansen TomProgramming Perl2013Shraff
506Murthy Arun CApache Hodoop YARN2015Pearson
507Nixon RobinHTML5 for ios and Android2011Mc Graw Hill
508Syrstad tracyExcel 2013 Absolute Beginner’s Guide2013Pearson
509Rochkind Marc JAdvanced UNIX Programming2015Pearson
510Bhasher JA System C Primes2004/2BS Hyderabad
511Kogent Learining Solutions InAfter Effects CSE in Simple Steps2013Dreametech
512Kogent Learining Solutions InHTML5 in Simple steps2014Dreametech
513Gupta VikasComdex NET Progrmming Course Kit2011Dreametech
514Anami Basavaraj SFormal Languages and Automata Theory2012Wiley India
515Lam CheckHadoop in Action2016Dreametech
516Kogent Learining SolutionsExcel 2013 in simple steps2014Dreametech
517Wong WallaceMicrosoft Office 2019 for Dermmies2013Wiley India
518Pandya KiranSPSS in simple steps2015Dreametech
519Holzner StereAjax for Dummies2010Wiley India
520Kogent Leasning Solutions IncASP NET 4.0 in simple steps2013Dreametech
521Mackey AlexIntraducing NET4.52013Dreametech
522Basu AnirbanSoftware Quality Assurance Testing and Metrics2015PHI
523James K LCompute Hardware2013PHI
524Walker MattCertified Ethical Hacker Practice Exam2013Mc Graw Hill
525Kimball RalphThe Data Warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit2014Wiley India
526Kushwala DharmenderData Strutures A Programming approach with C2014PHI
527Deitel PaulC How to Programm2015Pearson
528Jackson WallaceAndroid Apps for Abstrate Beginners2012/2Springes
529Siva Ram Murthy CAdhoc Wireless Networks2014Springes
530Patel chiragAdvanne NET Technology2011/2Dreametech
531Shiva Kumari RadhaObject Oriented Programming Methodology2013Dreametech
532Ambawade DayanandLinux labs and open Source Technologies2014Dreametech
533Lee Wei MangBeginning Android 4 Application Development2015Wiley India
534Appel Andrew wModern Compiter Implementation in C2014Cambridge
535Kombhampaty ShankarService Oriented Architecture for enterprise and cloud applications2012Wiley India
536Lies BingWeb Data Mining2015Springer
537Ragavendra CSWireless Sensor Networks2010Springer
538Hunt JohnJava and Object Orientation2002Springer
539Tonguz ozan KAdhoc Wireless Networks2006Wiley India
540Peltier Thomas RInformation Security Policies and Procedares2010Auerbach
541Stuckenschmidt HeinerInformation Sharing on the sematic web2005Springer
542Holmes AlexHadoop in Practice2015Dreametech
543Kogent Learning Solutions IncASP NET with C =2013Dreametech
544Kogent Learning Solutions IncWindows 7 in simple steps2012Dreametech
545Rakhimov EllisOracle PL/SQL2015Pearson
546Horowitz.EllisData Structures in C2008Unvirsity Press
547Kegent Learning SolutionsEJB 3.0 in Simple Steps2011Dreametech
548Malik DSProgramming with Java2009Cengage
549Darcey,LaurenSams Teach Your selp Android Application Development2013Pearson
550RoughleyPractiacal Apashe Structs 2 Web 2.0 Projects2007Dreametech
551Kegent Learning SolutionsPremiere Pro CS5 in simple steps2012Dreametech
552Love,RobertLinux System Programming2014Shroff Pub
553Gupta VikasComdex Computer Course Kit2014Dreametech
554Srugabesg Rim PatelMastering Enterprise Java Beans 3.02013Dreametech
555Tripathi surya PrakashIntroduction to Introducation Security and cyber Laws2015Dreametech
556Thareja ReemaProgramming in C2014Oxford University Press
557Nageswara RaoCore Java on Integrated Approach2016Dreametech
558Parcharmi BehroozComputer Arctiteture2014Oxford University Press
559Shah ShreerajHacking Web Services2007Wiley India
560Tomsho GregGuide to Networking2004/5Cengage
561Bagad VSNetwork Security2015Technical
562Bates ChrisWeb Programming Building Internet Applications2014/2Wiley India
563Mc Langhlin Bett DHead Fist Object Oriented Analysis and Desgin2007Shroff Pub
564Juneja BLProgramming in C2011Cengage
565Sklar JoelWeb Design Principle2012Cengage
566Fischer charles NCrafting a compiler with C2007Pearson
567Mittal AjayProgramming in C a practice approach2010Pearson
568Rao PNCAD/CAM Principles and Applications2013/3Mc Graw Hill
569Hu FeiWireless Sensor Networks2013Auerbach
570Kernighan Brian WC Programming Langruage2016Pearson
571Kanetkar Yashavant PLet Us Java2015BPB
572Kanetkar Yashavant PUnderstanding Pointers in C2015/4BPB
573Dey PradipProgramming in C2013/2Oxford University Press
574Date CJIntroduction to Database Systems2013Pearson
575Elmasri,RamezData base system  Model launguage Design2014/4Pearson
576Kanetkar Yashavant PLet Us C2016/14BPB
577Loden,Kenneth CProgramming Language Principles and practiceses2015/Cengage
578Balaguruswamy EProgramming in ANSI C2017/7MGH
579Balaguruswamy EObject Oriented Programming with C++2015/6MGH
580Pollock JohnJ Query a Beginnner s Guide2014MGH
581Rama Krishna RaghuDatabase Management Systems2016/3MGH
582Timoshenko SEngineering Mechnics2013MGH
583Nelson,Nils JPrinciple of Artficial Intelligent2002Narosa
584Horowitz.EllisFundamentals of Data Structers2014Unvirsity Press
585Pradip DeyProgrmming in C2011/2OUP
586Maneswaran,KCompiler Design2012OUP
587Roy, Uttham KWeb Technologies2010OUP
588Booch GradyThe Unified Modding Language User Guide2002Pearson
589Kernighan Brian WThe C Programming Language2017Pearson
590Hiley JohnHughes Electrical and Electranic Technology2010Pearson
591Mendham JQuantitive Chemical Analysis2009Pearson
592Stuatr J RussellArtificial Intellingence2015Pearson
593Sebesta Robert WProgramming the World Wide Web2013/10Pearson
594Kanehakar YashawanthLet s C2016/14BPB
595Silberschatz AbrahamDatabase Systems concepts2011/6MGH
596Oppenhem AlanSignals and Systems2015Pearson
597Savitch WalterProblem Solving with C++2015Pearson
598Agarwal AnkushProgramming in SAP AP82013MGH
599Brass PeterAdvanced Data Sructures2008Cambridge
600Abel, PeterIBM PC Assembly Language and Programming5th/2012PHI
601Bharati AksharNatural Language Processing2010PHI
602Kernighan Brian WThe C Programming Language2013PHI
603Sestoft PeterC # Precisely2013PHI
604Balaguruswamy EObject oriented Programming with C++6th/2016MGH
605Kanehakar YashawanthWorking with C2009BPB
606Gupta VikasComdex Multimedia and Web Design Course Kit2013Dreametech
607Gupta VikasComdex Multimedia Linux and Open Office2013Dreametech
608Kogent Learning Solutions IncMaya 2012 Simple Stamps2012Dreametech
609ITL Education Solutions LtdData Warehousing and Data Mining2012ITL Education
610ITL Education Solutions LtdIntroduction to Information Technology2012ITL Education
611ITL Education Solutions LtdDatabase Management Systems2012ITL Education
612ITL Education Solutions LtdDatabase Management Systems2012ITL Education
613Jain VKSystem Analysis and Design2011Dreametech
614Chopra, RajivJava Programming2015New Age
615Vamsi Krishna HIT Workshop2010Scitech Chennai
616Ben-Menachem MordechaiSoftware Quality2014BSP Hyd
617Bertsekas, DimitriData Networks2nd/2011PHI
618Radha Ganesan PData Structures using C2007Scitech Chennai
619Mike Mc GrathPHP and My SQL in easy steps2012MGH
620Mike Mc GrathBuilding Android Applications2012MGH
621Pode JonBusiness Coaching2012MGH
622Mc Manus SeanWeb Design2012MGH
623Shufflebotham RobertPhotoshop CS 52011MGH
624Smith JonStart an Online Business2011MGH
625Carroll, JohnProject 20132013MGH
626Kotecha HarshadWindows 72011MGH
627Mike Mc GrathCSS3 in Easy Steps2013MGH
628Sudha SadasivamMiddleware and Enterprise Intigration Technologies2013Wiley India
629Arolkar HarshalSimplifying C2015Dreametech
630Shukla , Rajesh KAnalysis ans Design of Algorithms2015Wiley
631Shufflebotham RobertIn Design In Easy Steps2011MGH
632Jain DeepaCracking IT Campus  Interviews2012MGH
633GK PublishersProblems and Solutions in Compiler Design2007GK Publishers
634Gupta , VikasComdex Linux and Open Office Cource kit2012Dreametech
635Gupta, VikasComdex DTP Cource kit2013Dreametech
636Stevens ALC++ Programming7th/2009Wiley
637Kogent Learning SolutionsNET Framework 4.5 in Simple Steps2013Dreametech
638Kogent Learning SolutionsAfter Effects CS6 in Simple Steps2013Dreametech
639Tripathi, Surya PrakashIntroduction to Information Security2016Dreametech
640Kogent Learning SolutionsPhotoshop CS62016Dreametech
641Vikas GuptaComdex Computer Course Kit2015Dreametech
642Vikas GuptaComdex Hardware and Networking Cource Kit2016Dreametech
643Vikas GuptaInformation Technology2013Dreametech
644Lingua ForumEssays for TOEF1/IELTS2016Dreametech
645Kogent Learning Solutions3ds Max 20122012Dreametech
646Vikas GuptaComdex Multimedia and Animation Cource Kit2012Dreametech
647Kretschmer, RudigerDeveloping SAPs R/3 Applications2008Dreametech
648Rajiv ChopraComputer Graphics4th/2008S.Chand
649Nageshwar RaoC with Data Structures2015Dreametech
650Sharda NalinkMultimedia Information Networking1999PHI
651Chan,TerrenceUNIX system programming using C++2012PHI
652Saha SubrataBasic Computation and Programming with C2016Cambridge
653Balaguruswamy EIntroduction to Computing and Problem Solving using Python2016MCGH
654Adriaans PieterData Mining2012Pearson
655Konasani Venkat ReddyPractical Business using SAS2015Apress
656Venkatesan RData Structures2015Wiley
657Venkateswarlu NBUNIX/ Linux FAQs with Tips2009BSP
658Kogent Learning SolutionsIn Design CS6 in Simple Steps2013Dreametech
659Kogent Learning SolutionsAfter Effects CS6 in Simple Steps2013Dreametech
660Xavier CProjects on Java 22006Scitech Chennai
661Subbaraj RProgramming in C2014Vikas
662Singh, RenuMicroprocessors Interfacing and app2010New Age
663Lammle ToddCCNA Cisco Certified Network Associates2007BPB
664Andrews , Jason RCo-verification of Hardware and Software2005Elsevier
665Raikar MMComputer Graphics using Open GL2014Elsevier
666T. JayapoovanFundamentals of Programming in C2015Vikas
667Venkateshwarlu NBC and Data Structures2016S.Chand
668Samanta DebasisClassic Data Structures2017PHI
669Nageshwar RaoC with Data Structures2015Dreametech
670Kogent Learning SolutionsProgramming for Mobile and Remote Computers2011Dreametech
671Kogent Learning SolutionsSystems Programming2011Dreametech
672Pandey USE-Commerce2014S.Chand
673Kogent Learning SolutionsLinux labs and open Source Technologies2014Dreametech
674Manoharan PSMicrotroller Based System Design2014Scitech Chennai
675Chowdhary SPMicroprocessor and peripherals2014Scitech Chennai
676Bayrors, IvanSQL,PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle2016BPB
677Stevens ALC++ Programming7th/2012Wiley
678Gupta, VikasComdex DTP Cource kit2014Dreametech
679Gupta, VikasComdex Computer Course Kit2009Dreametech
680Gupta, VikasComdex Hardware and Networking Cource Kit2014Dreametech
681Kogent Learning SolutionsLinux labs and open Source Technologies2015Dreametech
682Gupta, VikasComdex NET Progrmming Course Kit2011Dreametech
683Li SingBeginning J2ME2012Apress
684Pusuluri Nageshwar RaoSoftware Testing Concepts and Tools2015Dreametech
685Gupta, VikasInformation Technology2013Dreametech
686Martyn MalickMobile and Wireless Design2016Wiley
687Das, RashnikantJ2EE Made Easy2014Vikas
688Singh RenuMicroprocessors Interfacing and applications2008New Age
689Plarzczak PawelGrid Computing2006Morgan kaufman
690Murali Mohan VakaComputer Graphics2014Scitech Chennai
691Kogent Learning SolutionsDatabase Management System Applications 2014Dreametech
692Kogent Learning SolutionsSystem Programming2011Dreametech
693Nagpal DPWeb Design Technology2014S.Chand
694Rama Satish AUnix Programming2009Scitech Chennai
695Khandare SSPrograming in C2011S.Chand
696Radha Ganesan PObject Oriented Programming using C++2009Scitech Chennai
697Srivastava , SK  deepali SrivastavaData Structures through C indepth2016BPB
698Sahni SartajData Structures Alogrithams and Application  Java2014UP
699Weiss Mark AllenData Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++3rd/2018Pearson
700Gayakwad RamakantA OP Amps and Linear Integrated2017Pearson
701Oppenhem AlanSignals and Systems2018Pearson
702Haykin, SimonCommunication Systems5th/2017Wiley
703Watt, David AProgramming Lnanguage Design Concepts2015Wiley
704Goodrich, Michael TData Structures and Algorithms in C ++2nd/2017Wiley
705Vashisht, ARIntegral Transforms2017Meerut, Krishna
706Kanetkar Yashavant PLet Us C++2016BPB
707Kanetkar Yashavant PLet Us Java2nd/ 2016BPB
708Deitel PaulJava TBW to Program10th/2017Pearson
709Hykin SimonCommunication Systems2017Wiley
710Gupta, JBUtilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction2017Keturia and sons
711Yeshavanth KenetkerLet Us C16thBPB
712Satyanarayana ChPython Programming2018University Press
713Sahni SartajData Structures Alogrithams and Application  in C++2nd/2017University Press
714Allen Weiss MaskData Structures and Alogritham Analysis in C++3rd/2018Pearson
715Venugopal KWorkshop Manual1st/2012Anuradha
716Kaushik SarojArtificial Intellingence2018Cengage
717Hajra Choudhary S KElements of Workshop Technology16thMedia Promoters
718Russell K StuartArtificial Intellingence3rd/2019Pearson
719Ellis HorowitzFundamentals of Data Structers in C++2nd/2018University Press
720Albert Helfrick DModern Electronic Instrumentation and Measarment Techniques9th/2019Pearson
721Hayt. H. William JrEngineering Circuit Analysis8th/2018Mc Graw Hill
722Russell K StuartArtificial Intellingence3rd/2019Pearson
723Haykin, SimonCommunication Systems2nd/2018Wiley
724Padmanabhan TRDesign Through Verilog HDL2017Wiley
725Jagan NCControl System3rd/2017BS Publishers
726Pratt TimothySatellite Communication2017Wiley
727Satyanarayana ChPython Programming2018University Press
728Russel J Strart JArtificial Intellingence3rd/2019Pearson
729Mitchell M TomMachine learing2020Mc Graw Hill


  • SPORTS-MEET of Keshav Memorial group of Engineering colleges will be held on 29 th June,2024.

  • Lab Internals are scheduled in first week of July,2024

  • Finishing School Grand Test will be held in second week of July ,2024.