The Niranthar Finishing School (NFS) is a weekly coding competition specifically designed for students of NGIT in their first to third years. It takes place on alternate days, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (TTS). Participants have the opportunity to win cash prizes on a weekly basis. The NFS sessions include two coding activities each, for a total of six activities each week. Solutions from the previous session are discussed using the Python programming language during each NFS session. After the discussion, new activities are introduced for the next session. The top 15 students from each year at NGIT will receive weekly cash prizes based on the fastest submission time. The winners are determined based on their speed of completing the coding tasks.


  • SPORTS-MEET of Keshav Memorial group of Engineering colleges will be held on 29 th June,2024.

  • Lab Internals are scheduled in first week of July,2024

  • Finishing School Grand Test will be held in second week of July ,2024.